Friday, June 23, 2023



OPS plans $2.2 billion in renovations for its schools.  It suffers a $1.4 billion deficit in its pension plan, its 2nd billion $ shortfall caused by mismanagement & poor investment decisions.  The Legislature certainly will not bail it out, & the teachers’ union, the beneficiary of this generous pension plan, will balk.  Count on OPS to try to soak resident taxpayers to fund this pension debacle while its academic scores plunge.  Email to join our NTF Education Watch Project. 


Monday, June 19, 2023



NE citizens must borrow $$, incur enormous debt, or sell homes in order to pay for dialysis treatments.  Yet, illegal aliens medically rewarded with free dialysis treatments by merely showing up at hospital emergency rooms.  Illegals actually sneak across the border to receive these treatments, not available in their home countries. Lobby Cong. Don Bacon to sponsor legislation to stop this travesty.  Email to join our Project Immigration. 


Sunday, June 18, 2023


Between 55% and 60% of our property tax dollars fund public schools.  Taxpayers irate over pornographic books & sex-oriented clubs in our schools have a right to complain to elected school boards.  Those who are brave enough to challenge school boards deserve strong support from others.  Don’t be one of the sheeple.  Learn how to monitor & lobby your school board.  Email for details.