Saturday, November 07, 2020



If Biden and Comrade Kamala win this election, much credit goes to ABC (All ‘Bout Clinton), CBS (Clinton B.S.), NBC (Nothing But Clinton), & CNN (Clinton News Network).  These propaganda arms of the Socialist Democrat Party daily indoctrinate and fool the American Sheeple into voting for leftists and persuade citizens to despise President Trump.  Under a Biden-Harris Regime, conservative taxpayers will be plundered mercilessly.  Email to join our NE Taxpayers President Watch Project.

Thursday, November 05, 2020



An increasing percentage of young people are voting Socialist Democrat.  Much of this trend caused by leftist public school teachers indoctrinating our boys & girls at an early age to despise capitalism and the precepts of our Constitution bestowed upon us by our Founding Fathers.  The remedy: legislation to allow school choice, so that parents who now pay about 60% of their property taxes in NE to public education can send their kids to private, parochial, & charter schools, & use vouchers, thus avoiding leftist indoctrination.  Let’s find a NE state senator to introduce a bill in Jan.  Email to join our NE Taxpayers Education Watch Project. 

Wednesday, November 04, 2020



It is becoming increasingly difficult for “us” taxpaying conservatives and our candidates to win elections.  Simply stated, there are increasingly more of “them” than “us.”  “Them” are freeloading individuals who suck off the welfare system and get “free stuff.”  “Them” includes the explosive growth in the population of legal/illegal aliens coming from nations with no history of representative government and institutions like ours.  They do not share our belief in our constitutional system and vote Socialist Democrat.  Demographically, they will eventually overwhelm “us” at the polls.  Email to join our NE Taxpayers Project Immigration. 

Tuesday, November 03, 2020



Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom members waved signs at 126th & Pacific Streets this morning for Don Bacon.  Got lots of honks, waves, & thumbs up, more than our sign waving has gotten at any other election.  Good sign that Cong. Bacon will win re-election and stop Comrade Kara from voting the socialist line in D.C. 

Sunday, November 01, 2020



Socialist Democrats in the Eastman congressional campaign charged with ballot harvesting, picking up ballots from other individuals to deposit.  There is no guarantee that harvested ballots will be deposited and could be altered.  Ballot harvesters often take advantage of the mentally challenged and those residing in elder care facilities.  Voting is a sacred constitutional right and should be rigorously protected.  Urge your state senator to criminalize ballot harvesting.