Monday, March 30, 2009


It’s angry taxpayer day in Nebraska! Taxpayers living in the Omaha metropolitan area will gather on Wed. April 15, 6-8 PM. at Millard Library, 132nd & Westwood Lane in Omaha. We will show a Power Point presentation on the Obama Bloated Budget and offer fiscally conservative alternatives. Then, we will show everyone how to lobby and monitor their Capitol Hill delegation to vote NO on this socialist budget. Also, conservative Cong. Lee Terry (2nd District) will give us a pep talk to defeat the presidential budget. Please bring friends & neighbors! Everyone will get an instructional packet and tea bag to take home. Remember, if we do not stand up to defend ourselves against leftwing tyranny, no one is going to come rescue us. The Obama Budget would add more federal debt than that amassed by every previous president. His regulatory policies will put us on the road to serfdom. His administration is intent on seizing and putting under federal control the financial industries, the vehicle manufacturers, and the health care industry. Stop this administration from placing the socialist yoke on us all. Join us at the Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom Tea Party on April 15! Note that there is another Tea Party in Omaha that day at the Douglas County Courthouse, beginning at 5 P.M.