Saturday, November 12, 2022


My unsolicited advice to the NE GOP after 35 yrs. in conservative politics: Scan year-round for credible, viable candidates, not RINOs.  Use funds to hire professional campaign managers & train new ones.  Direct volunteers into credible campaign schools & seminars.  Utilize personnel who actually know how to use new software campaign technology.  Transform the Party from a social club into a fighting machine. The NE Socialist Democrats do all of the above, & that is why they win!

Friday, November 11, 2022


Very pleased that my legislative & personal hero, State Sen. Tom Brewer, returned safely from Ukraine, where he distributed Bibles, portable stoves, & other needed items to Ukrainian soldiers bravely defending their nation from the brutal Russian Bear.  Our taxpayer group looks forward to working with Sen. Brewer on crucial fiscal issues in the 2023 legislative session.  Email to join our NTF Legislature Watch Project. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022



If all the Republicans elected and re-elected to the Legislature are true friends to the taxpayer and not RINOs, taxpayers will have 33 votes to stop liberal Big Spender filibusters.  So glad to see RINOs John McCollister, Mark Kolterman, Matt Williams, & John Stinner term-limited out.  Email to join our Legislature Watch Project. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022



The expected Big Red Wave vote was a ripple at the ballot box.  Reasons: Young voters indoctrinated by union teachers & radical professors, immigrants who have no experience or stake in representative democracies, a left-leaning media, a population increasingly dependent upon government welfare, & no strong GOP message.  Our nation & state rapidly gravitating towards Socialism/Communism.  If you still want to fight back, email

Monday, November 07, 2022



One way you can help taxpayer-friendly candidates today & on Election Day is to grab a yard sign, remove the frame, & join with others in sign-waving on busy arterial streets.  Many voters wait until Election Day to vote & are still unsure for whom to vote, especially towards the end of the ballot.  Email for our NE Taxpayers for Freedom Voting Guide & wave a sign for taxpayer rights!

Sunday, November 06, 2022


If you reside in MUD District 6, please vote for Mike McGowan, an incumbent who has worked tirelessly to keep our utility rates low & utilize private subcontractors to save ratepayers money.  His opponent is RINO John McCollister, who, if elected, undoubtedly will vote with the liberals to boost our utility rates.  Because of federally-mandated sewer rate increases, our utility bills already are high.  Vote for Mike McGowan!