Saturday, October 31, 2020



Leftwing Heartland Workers Center, supposedly nonprofit, is distributing candidate voting information in South and North Omaha, probably intended to defeat Rep. Don Bacon.  The center targets demographic groups leaning Socialist Democrat.  Because it focuses on precincts with many immigrants, a possibility that it will help illegal aliens vote. Amazingly, the City of Omaha budget has funded this center.   We must find a state senator to introduce a bill to prohibit nonprofits from engaging in partisan political activities anathema to taxpayers.

Friday, October 30, 2020



Dist. 31 taxpayers have suffered for 8 years from State Sen. Rick Kolowski voting the leftist teachers’ union line at the Legislature.  Taxpayers now have the opportunity to vote for Rich Pahls, a former state senator and city councilman, someone who actually will sit down with you and listen to your suggestions, complaints, etc. Pahls as a council member has championed taxpayers with his ideas for garbage collection, infrastructure, etc.  His opponent is a Kolowski clone, an active teachers’ union member who will block tax relief. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020



Double good riddance to Clare Duda!  RINO Douglas County Commissioner Duda took a parting shot at taxpayers by endorsing Socialist Democrat Jo Giles instead of conservative Republican Mike Friend as his successor.  Friend crushed Duda in the primary, mainly owing to Duda enriching himself with huge salary votes and tax hike votes.  Friend, a fiscal conservative and champion of taxpayers while a state senator, will be a valuable ally to county taxpayers in budgetary matters coming before the board.  Our NE Taxpayers for Freedom group solidly supports him & has provided volunteers. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Although the contract stipulated only an annual salary increase matching the CPI for the Papio NRD Gen. Manager, the following 8 NRD Board members generously voted him a 6% hike, about $8,532: Begley, Bradley, Conley, Japp, McCormick, Sopinski, Tesar, & Thompson.  Voting against this outrageous increase and with taxpayers were Board members Gruenewald & Wiese.  Bradley & Tesar face re-election Nov. 3.  Don’t vote for them. 

Monday, October 26, 2020



The Red China economic recovery from COVID-19 sees consumers flooding shopping malls and car dealerships.  Its economic growth has grown by 4.9% over 2019.  Its factories are booming, production rising by 5.8%, thanks to orders for face masks & other medical supplies desperately needed in Europe & North America.  Chinese exporters are grabbing markets from U.S. companies.  Meanwhile, the U.S. economy has shrunk by 4.3%.  Anyone who still believes that this pandemic was an accident is a total fool!  The Chicoms are our #1 enemy.