Sunday, October 23, 2011


Most if not all the members of the Millard School Board are Republicans, and all of them are RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). All but one signed off on an almost $141 million school bond issue that will raise the property taxes for every taxpayer in the Millard School District. These taxpayers are still facing the financial burden of paying off over $178 million for previous bonds. Retirees on fixed incomes will face the brunt of this tax attack. The board refused to wait for the next regular election to request a public vote, so a special election will cost Douglas and Sarpy Counties thousands of tax dollars. The wish list in this bond issue is endless and includes artificial turf on athletic practice fields, on which most other school districts do not splurge. $3.8 million wasted on electronic systems to turn off lights automatically, as if the staff cannot do it. Nothing in this bond issue would improve student learning, yet teachers are propagandizing their students with pro-bond videos at school, hoping that the kids will go home and lobby their parents. The school superintendent threatens to raise property taxes, if residents vote down the bond issue. Apparently, he is intent on raising property taxes either way. Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom has presented this school board continually with suggestions for budget cuts that would save the district millions, freeing dollars for construction and renovation promoted in this bond issue, but the board ignores our suggestions. The leader of the pro-bond front group is the State Tax Commissioner! The school superintendent allowed HIM to speak at a public forum at a Millard high school but refused to allow an NTF member to deliver a rebuttal. Email to volunteer to beat this bond issue!

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