Saturday, November 12, 2011


Saturday, Dec. 10, 10 AM – 12 Noon. Freedomworks, a national tea party organization, with Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom as the local host, will conduct a free citizen activist training seminar at Swanson Library, 90th & Dodge Streets, in Omaha. Learn how to lobby and monitor your elected officials on tax, spending, and regulation issues with the latest political action tools. Learn how to use the “new” media and other means to spread the conservative message for the 2012 campaigns. Take home bumper stickers, pins, T-shirts, and other conservative materials.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Most if not all the members of the Millard School Board are Republicans, and all of them are RINOS (Republicans in Name Only). All but one signed off on an almost $141 million school bond issue that will raise the property taxes for every taxpayer in the Millard School District. These taxpayers are still facing the financial burden of paying off over $178 million for previous bonds. Retirees on fixed incomes will face the brunt of this tax attack. The board refused to wait for the next regular election to request a public vote, so a special election will cost Douglas and Sarpy Counties thousands of tax dollars. The wish list in this bond issue is endless and includes artificial turf on athletic practice fields, on which most other school districts do not splurge. $3.8 million wasted on electronic systems to turn off lights automatically, as if the staff cannot do it. Nothing in this bond issue would improve student learning, yet teachers are propagandizing their students with pro-bond videos at school, hoping that the kids will go home and lobby their parents. The school superintendent threatens to raise property taxes, if residents vote down the bond issue. Apparently, he is intent on raising property taxes either way. Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom has presented this school board continually with suggestions for budget cuts that would save the district millions, freeing dollars for construction and renovation promoted in this bond issue, but the board ignores our suggestions. The leader of the pro-bond front group is the State Tax Commissioner! The school superintendent allowed HIM to speak at a public forum at a Millard high school but refused to allow an NTF member to deliver a rebuttal. Email to volunteer to beat this bond issue!

Sunday, October 09, 2011


An invitation to all conservatives to attend these upcoming Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom events!

Saturday, October 29, 10 AM – 1 PM. Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom will host a Tea Party precinct organization seminar at Millard Library, 132nd & Westwood Lane, Omaha. This informative and crucially important session will give you all the information you need to become a valuable precinct captain or asst.-precinct captain for an issue or candidate(s) of your choice. Learn how to walk a precinct, put up yard signs, call a precinct, work a poll, hold a coffee or tea, etc. Ballot issues and candidate elections are won at the precinct level! This seminar is free.

Thursday, September 08, 2011


On Saturday, October 1, American Majority will host, with NE Taxpayers for Freedom, a citizen activist and candidate training seminar at the Regency Lodge, 107th & Pacific Streets, in Omaha, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Cost is $25 in advance, $35 at the door. Free lunch included. Seminar topics include how to publicize events, how to use the Internet to communicate in politics, and how to handle the media. For registration information, go to the following url: This daylong seminar is invaluable not only for citizens recently getting involved in politics but also for those political veterans who want to update their skills.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


Join your fellow taxpaying citizens in sending a pink slip to Sen. Ben Nelson. Tell him why, among the many reasons, you will not vote for him in 2012. At this Tea Party event, Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom will distribute pink slip post cards at Walnut Grove Park, 150th & Q Streets, Omaha, on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 9 AM to Noon. Drive on the park road going north through the park and receive your pink slip post card(s) that you can fill out and mail to Sen. Nelson’s Omaha office. Let him know that you are Tea’d Off at his vote on the Cornhusker Kickback and other of his liberal votes! Bring friends & neighbors in your car to get their post cards, too!

Saturday, August 06, 2011


Plan now to bring friends and neighbors to attend the next NE Taxpayers for Freedom regular meeting, Wed. Aug. 17, 6:30 PM, Millard Library, 132nd & Westwood Ln., Omaha. Agenda: National speaker from Act for America: “How Muslim Sharia Law costs taxpayers a bundle”.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom will sponsor, and several other groups will co-sponsor, a tax day Tea Party on Sunday, July 3, from 1 PM to 5 PM at Walnut Grove Park, 150th & Q Streets, Omaha. The theme of the event is "Rally to Restore the Republic." The purpose of this tea party is to mobilize citizens to become fiscally conservative activists in national issues. Speakers: Sen. Mike Johanns, Cong. Lee Terry (2nd District), Att.-Gen. Jon Bruning, State Treasurer Don Stenberg, Senate candidate Pat Flynn, John Sieler from the State Board of Education, and Susan Tully, field director for Federation for American Immigration Reform. Also, patriotic music, games, and a Flag ceremony. Prizes for best signs and best costumes. Portapotties and ice water will be available. Please come and bring friends. Meet and socialize with your fellow conservatives! Don’t just get angry. Get active!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


NTF monthly meeting is Wed. June 15, 6:30 PM at Millard Library, 132nd & Westwood Ln. Agenda: Power Point presentation plus project packets on how to lobby and monitor your Douglas County Commissioners to hold the line on tax hikes and cut the budget for FY 2011-12. Please come & bring friends! Three commissioners already are listening to us! We must pack the public hearing on June 28 with active taxpayers who can face down their commissioners and demand no tax hikes!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom and several other groups will co-sponsor a tax day Tea Party on Saturday, May 7, 10 AM to 1 PM at Walnut Grove Park, 152nd & Q Streets, Omaha. The theme of the event is "Stand Tall and Speak Up." The purpose of this tea party is to mobilize citizens to become taxpayer watchdogs over local and state taxing authorities and to become conservative activists. Several state senators and local officials will speak. Keynote speaker: James Mason II, Tea Party Patriots-NE. chairman. Also, patriotic music and a Flag ceremony. Prizes for best sign and best costume. Portapotties will be available. Snack vendors will be present. Please come and bring friends. Meet and socialize with your fellow conservatives!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Conservative Ladies' Night Out

Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom cordially invites you to our “Conservative Ladies’ Night Out.” Wednesday, March 23, 5:30 – 8:00 PM, at Pasta Amore, 11027 Prairie Brook Rd., in the Rockbrook Shopping Center, SW corner of 108th & West Center Rd. This is a free event, however, individuals may order drinks, dinner, snacks, etc. Social time first, followed by the following speakers: Jean Stothert, Omaha City Council member, and Mary Ann Borgeson, Douglas County Board member. Our speakers will discuss why they entered politics, what they hope to achieve in the political arena, and why other women should get involved in conservative politics as activists and/or candidates. Please come and bring your lady friends.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Last year, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners raised our property taxes by 2c per $100 valuation, despite protestations from county taxpayers. Taxpayers suffering during this recession did not need a tax hike. The county now is formulating its FY 2011-12 budget. The only way to head off another tax hike and to lower the county property tax rate is to understand how to analyze the budget to find waste, inefficiencies, and duplications, then make suggestions to cut the budget. That is why we are mobilizing taxpayers to become citizen auditors. Learn how to become a citizen auditor at our next meeting on Wed. March 16, 6:30 PM at Millard Library, 132nd & Westwood Lane in Omaha. Guest speakers: Two county administrators who will explain the Douglas County budget process.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

LB 48: Stop Illegal Immigration in Nebraska

I have attended many hearings at the Unicameral Legislature over the years, but never have I witnessed such a disgusting spectacle as the one I sat through today. Conservative Sen. Charlie Janssen meticulously explained his bill, LB 48, to stem the tide of illegal immigration in Nebraska. Sen. Janssen painstakingly researched the content of his bill and studiously avoided anything that might conflict with federal law or previous federal court decisions. Nonetheless, several liberals on the Judiciary Committee engaged in a feeding frenzy shark attack to make his legislation seem like a sinister network of human rights violations. These senators consumed most of the hearing time, leaving only 3 min. apiece for only a few supporters and opponents to testify on LB 48. Sen. Council played the race card, naturally, and henpecked Sen. Janssen about hypothetical situations that probably would never arise. Freshman Sen. Burke Harr, a former prosecutor, launched a legal assault that concentrated mostly on supposedly vague grammar. Sen. Amanda McGill, the siren of the Left in the Unicameral, tried to paint Sen. Janssen as a right-wing flamethrower. Not to be outdone, newly-re-elected Sen. Steve Lathrop peppered Janssen about police procedures and regulations about which Janssen would have no knowledge, not being a law officer. Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh, who supposedly is a conservative, did not show up for the hearing to defend Sen. Janssen. The Judiciary Committee majority undoubtedly will stick their daggers into the heart of LB 48. Therefore, it will be a challenge for conservatives to muster 30 state senator votes to drag this bill out of committee onto the floor of the Legislature, where all senators can debate its merits. Start lobbying now! Polls show that 75%+ of Nebraskans support legislation like LB 48.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tea Pot Whistle Alert!

Time for the first NTF Tea Party Tea Pot Whistle! Our notice to you taxpayers to get into gear right now! Please join our Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom Citizen Auditor Project. This series of seminars will show you how to become a really aggressive taxpayer watchdog! Growl!!!!!!!!! The next seminar in our series will show you how to methodically examine a city budget and find waste, inefficiencies, duplication, and fraud. You will receive a hard copy packet to take home to use after seeing a Power Point presentation on the screen. Please join us at Millard Library in Omaha on Wed. Feb. 16, 6:30 PM, at 132nd & Westwood Lane. We may have lost a battle in the Mayor Suttle Recall, but we have not lost the war to restore Omaha and other cities to fiscal sanity.