Thursday, June 08, 2023



When angry Glendale, CA. parents sought to attend a local school board meeting to protest a pervert curriculum indoctrinating their children, a group of leftwing thugs beat them up.  Who did the school board members blame?  The parents.  To stop the labeling of angry momma bears as “domestic terrorists,” lawmakers should pass real hate crime legislation to protect them from radical goon squads.  Email to join our NTF Education Watch Project. 


Tuesday, June 06, 2023



For many years, the Left has organized boycotts against businesses that support conservative & taxpayer-rights causes.  These radicals have destroyed products and harassed business customers.  Businesses jealously guard their profitability.  So, conservative taxpayers should use our monetary clout to not only boycott companies that cater to the Left but also patronize companies/personalities who support traditional taxpayer causes.  Email to join our Conservative Consumerism Project.